May 09, 2006

Who is the real relic and who is still relevant? The Electoral College vs. 3 Electoral Losers

Apparently, three political relics who lost their last campaign over 25 years ago, John Anderson (yes, he’s still alive), Birch Byah (father of Evan) and John Buchanan are leading a movement to legalize vote stealing in an attempt to undermine the Electoral College created by our Founding Fathers in the U.S. Constitution. The “Campaign for the National Popular Vote” is an attempt, without amendment, to change our system by forcing electors to ignore the will of the people of their state and vote for the person who the state believes won the nationwide popular vote.

Phyllis Schlafly has an excellent article today on the Townhall website about this movement. Here are a few key quotes, but I strongly suggest that one read the full article:

“It's ridiculous and un-American to try to force electors to vote against their constituents. Yet the campaign proposes requiring a state like Louisiana to vote for the candidate who won in other states such as New York…The Electoral College is the successful vehicle by which a presidential candidate achieves a majority in a functioning political process…Because of third parties, we've had many elections (including three of the last four) when no presidential candidate received a popular-vote majority. Abraham Lincoln won less than 40 percent of the popular vote and relied on his Electoral College majority for his authority…most elections are very close [and that fact] makes the Electoral College particularly advantageous. With our loose election procedures (that need to be reformed in several ways), it's easy to make credible charges of election fraud…An allegation of voter fraud in one state would begin a fatal chain reaction of challenges and recounts… Big-city machines would take over, and candidates from California or New York would enjoy a built-in advantage... The campaign proposal would also eliminate the constitutional role of Congress in dealing with the occasional happenstance of a candidate failing to get a majority of Electoral College votes. The Constitution dealt adequately with this problem in 1824.”