July 14, 2009

PRLDEF: Sotomayor vs. the Facts

Sotomayor portrays herself as barely aware of the activities of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense & Education Fund during the 12 years that she served on its board. So let’s review her description and the New York Times’s description of her time on the board:
“[Sotomayor] played an active role as the defense fund staked out aggressive stances on issues like police brutality, the death penalty and voting rights. The board monitored all litigation undertaken by the fund’s lawyers, and a number of those lawyers said Ms. Sotomayor was an involved and ardent supporter of their various legal efforts during her time with the group.” – NY Times, May 28, 2009
“I served … in the following capacities: Member and Vice President, Board of Directors; Chairperson, Litigation and Education Committees for the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund.” – Sotomayor’s Senate questionnaire