April 06, 2006

K-Lo Takes on "Roe v. Wade for Men"

In an article over at NRO, Kathyrn (“K-Lo”) Lopez has a different take on the whole “Roe v. Wade for men” nonsense. You may recall a recent lawsuit filed by the National Center for Men in a Michigan court on behalf on Matthew Dubay, a 25-year-old computer programmer who apparently feels his ex-girlfriend should’ve exercised her “right” to abort her unborn child so that he wouldn’t have to pay child support.

K-Lo sees this lawsuit as an opportunity to talk about the effect Roe has had on men and since this claim is probably going nowhere legally, perhaps there is a chance that this sordid story can at least end on a positive note with a greater awareness of this issue.

Abortion is often portrayed as the consummate “women’s issue,” but undoubtedly the millions of abortions that have taken place since Roe v. Wade has had an effect on how men view their role as fathers. K-Lo quotes Kevin Burke, associate director of Rachel’s Vineyard, about the how men fit into the world of Roe, “Roe v. Wade not only takes the life of the unborn child, but it also tempts the natural father to kill off his instinct to protect and provide for his children.” Obviously, this recent lawsuit proves Mr. Burke’s view to be all too accurate.